Brooklyn Running Co.

Improving a running store’s e-commerce site to help first-time users find & evaluate products quickly & effectively, leading to increased customer satisfaction, better product understanding & reduced time spent on tasks.

Improving a running store’s e-commerce site to help first-time users find & evaluate products quickly & effectively, leading to increased customer satisfaction, better product understanding & reduced time spent on tasks.

How might we help first-time users to find, sort through & evaluate the products on offer at Brooklyn Running Company, and provide all the information they need in order to confidently make a purchase?

How might we help first-time users to find, sort through & evaluate the products on offer at Brooklyn Running Company, and provide all the information they need in order to confidently make a purchase?

How might we help first-time users to find, sort through & evaluate the products on offer at Brooklyn Running Company, and provide all the information they need in order to confidently make a purchase?

My Role

Solo UX Designer

Timeline & Process

3-week agile sprint, following the

double diamond framework

2-week agile sprint, following the double diamond framework


Category Navigation

Home Page

Product Listing Page

Product Page

Tools & Resources

Baymard Institute

Optimal Workshop



Adobe Photoshop

Project Overview

Brooklyn Running Company is a small running store in NYC. They have a great in-person shopping experience, but the e-commerce site left users feeling frustrated & disappointed.

This is was a conceptual project to improve the online shopping experience by helping first time customers learn a bit about the brand and then be able to quickly find products that suit their needs & gain a better understanding of product features in order to confidently make purchasing decisions.


Median CSAT score increased by


When users were asked to rate how satisfied they were with their experience on the site.

Average time on task decreased by


Minutes, when users were asked to find a product matching particular criteria.

The Problem

Early usability testing uncovered deep frustration for first-time users when trying to find, sort through & evaluate products on offer at Brooklyn Running Co.

A heuristic evaluation against benchmarks identified by the Baymard Institute showed that the site fell particularly short on the guiding principle of consistency & standards.

Project Goal

Conduct a comprehensive research project to discover users’ pain points when shopping online at Brooklyn Running Company.

Design an intuitive and enjoyable solution which aligns with user needs and e-commerce conventions.

My Solution- The Final Design


Heuristic Evaluation

When comparing B.R.C.'s website against benchmarks identified by the Baymard Institute, it became clear that the site struggled significantly with maintaining consistency and standards.

When comparing B.R.C.'s website against benchmarks identified by the Baymard Institute, it became clear that the site struggled significantly with maintaining consistency and standards.

Here are my main findings from the heuristic evaluation, excluding the checkout process, which had no significant UX issues.

Here are my main findings from the heuristic evaluation, excluding the checkout process, which had no significant UX issues.


Top-level product categories

not visible in global navigation, hindering users’ ability to

understand the product offerings

Missing key utility navigation:

Search bar, shopping cart,

login, register & profile

Lack of contrast between button states, as we as between

buttons & background

Home Page

Fails to feature any product categories or unique services, preventing users from understanding what the business has to offer.

Uses poor quality imagery, failing to exciting users or set B.R.C. apart from competitors.

Features outdated information in the blog, which has not been updated since 2020.

Product Listing Pages

Over-categorisation & no way to combine multiple filtering values or categories, restricting users’ ability to view products with shared attributes presented in siloed categories.

Uses poor quality & inconsistent imagery, so users cannot easily evaluate the items.

Product Page

Single, poor quality image. No “in scale” images, human models, no thumbnails or colour chips, so users cannot get a comprehensive visual understanding of the product.

No size guide, potentially making users hesitant to purchase due to uncertainty around sizing, and increasing likelihood of ordering multiple sizes & returns.

Shipping & returns policy easy to miss & not displayed anywhere else on the site, increasing the likelihood of users leaving the site due to lack of information.

User Interviews

Users wanted to quickly learn about the brand and understand key policies to feel confident making a purchase. They valued the detailed product insights from specialist running stores but preferred the streamlined experience of big retailers.

Users wanted to quickly learn about the brand and understand key policies to feel confident making a purchase. They valued the detailed product insights from specialist running stores but preferred the streamlined experience of big retailers.


Study Type:



# of Participants:



20 mins


Store Information

Store Information

Store Information

“What are the first things you need to learn when shopping at a new online store?”

“What are the first things you need to learn when shopping at a new online store?”

“What are the first things you need to learn when shopping at a new online store?”

“I want to understand what the brand offers, and learn about their shipping & returns policies.”

“I want to understand what the brand offers, and learn about their shipping & returns policies.”

“I want to understand what the brand offers, and learn about their shipping & returns policies.”

Product Information

Product Information

Product Information

“What aspects of online shopping do you find most important?”

“What aspects of online shopping do you find most important?”

“What aspects of online shopping do you find most important?”

“Because running gear is so technical, I use the website for research, so I need clear & detailed product information.”

“Because running gear is so technical, I use the website for research, so I need clear & detailed product information.”

“Because running gear is so technical, I use the website for research, so I need clear & detailed product information.”

Shopping Experience

Shopping Experience

Shopping Experience

“How was your recent online shopping experience at Brooklyn Running Co?”

“How was your recent online shopping experience at Brooklyn Running Co?”

“How was your recent online shopping experience at Brooklyn Running Co?”

“It was disorganised and too hard to find what I wanted. I expect online shopping to be easy.”

“It was disorganised and too hard to find what I wanted. I expect online shopping to be easy.”

“It was disorganised and too hard to find what I wanted. I expect online shopping to be easy.”

Usability Testing

During user interview sessions, I conducted usability testing on Brooklyn Running Co.’s site. From the findings, I created a journey map to highlight where users struggle the most, and collected metrics for comparison with later testing results.

During user interview sessions, I conducted usability testing on Brooklyn Running Co.’s site. From the findings, I created a journey map to highlight where users struggle the most, and collected metrics for comparison with later testing results.


Median CSAT Score

Median CSAT Score



When users were asked to rate how satisfied they were with their experience on the site.

When users were asked to rate how satisfied they were with their experience on the site.

Median CES Score

Median CES Score



When users were asked to rate how easy it was to find suitable

products on the site.

When users were asked to rate how easy it was to find suitable

products on the site.

Average Time on Task

Average Time on Task



Minutes, when users were asked to find a product matching particular criteria.

Minutes, when users were asked to find a product matching particular criteria.

Current-State User Journey Map

Using data from usability testing, I created a user journey map to track how the experience on B.R.C.’s site evolved which helped to identify important focus areas. It revealed key pain points in finding store information, as well as finding and filtering products to suit user needs.

Using data from usability testing, I created a user journey map to track how the experience on B.R.C.’s site evolved which helped to identify important focus areas. It revealed key pain points in finding store information, as well as finding and filtering products to suit user needs.



Creating a user persona helped me to focus on users, goals, needs & frustrations discovered during user interviews & usability testing.

Creating a user persona helped me to focus on users, goals, needs & frustrations discovered during user interviews & usability testing.

Problem Statement

Marcus needs an easy way to learn about Brooklyn Running Co., and then find, sort through & evaluate their products so that he can find running gear that best suits his needs and have confidence his purchase.

Marcus needs an easy way to learn about Brooklyn Running Co., and then find, sort through & evaluate their products so that he can find running gear that best suits his needs and have confidence his purchase.

How Might We...

  • Help Marcus to learn about Brooklyn Running Co.’s products, services & store policies?

  • Help Marcus to learn about Brooklyn Running Co.’s products, services & store policies?

  • Help Marcus to learn about Brooklyn Running Co.’s products, services & store policies?

  • Ensure Marcus finds all of the information he needs to make a purchase with confidence?

  • Ensure Marcus finds all of the information he needs to make a purchase with confidence?

  • Ensure Marcus finds all of the information he needs to make a purchase with confidence?

  • Make it easier to find, sort through & evaluate B.R.C.’s running products?

  • Make it easier to find, sort through & evaluate B.R.C.’s running products?

  • Make it easier to find, sort through & evaluate B.R.C.’s running products?

  • Improve the organisation and presentation of product information?

  • Improve the organisation and presentation of product information?

  • Improve the organisation and presentation of product information?


Home Page Content Layout Iterations

HMW help Marcus to learn about Brooklyn Running Co.’s products, services & store policies?

Keeping users’ priorities top of mind, I made some low-fidelity mockups and then reviewed each iteration against what users deemed important. What users wanted when launching B.R.C.’s site was:

Keeping users’ priorities top of mind, I made some low-fidelity mockups and then reviewed each iteration against what users deemed important. What users wanted when launching B.R.C.’s site was:


Learn a bit about the store & what makes them unique

Learn a bit about the store & what makes them unique

Learn a bit about the store & what makes them unique


Understand store policies such as shipping & returns

Understand store policies such as shipping & returns

Understand store policies such as shipping & returns


Get to their desired shopping pages quickly

Get to their desired shopping pages quickly

Get to their desired shopping pages quickly

Iteration 1

Most similar to original

Added links to all essential info in global nav & footer

Replaced outdated blog with current Instagram

Could miss key information if carousel doesn’t finish rotation

Iteration 2

Most balanced

Focus on “Who we Are” section at top of page, then present multiple product categories so users can begin shopping quickly

Iteration 3

Highlights Products

Strong product presentation at the top of the page so users can quickly see what B.R.C. offers

Users won’t immediately get to know the brand


Top-Level Product Categories


About Us

Shipping Policy Banner




Shipping & returns links


Top-level shopping categories

Who we are

Value proposition (shoe fitting)


Top-Level Product Categories


About Us

Shipping Policy Banner



Shipping & returns links

Newsletter Sign Up











Top level product categories


Top-Level Product Categories


About Us

Shipping Policy Banner



Shipping & returns links

Newsletter Sign Up





Top level product categories





I chose this layout to help users most

quickly understand the store and view

top-level categories, addressing all

needs identified during user interviews. During mid-fidelity usability testing, this layout was further refined based on user feedback

Key Design Updated

Two rounds of usability testing were conducted: first on the existing site & later on my mid-fidelity prototype.

Below are some examples of how I improved the site’s design based user interviews, two rounds of usability testing results, heuristic evaluation & competitor analysis.

Usability Testing Parameters

Round 1 Testing:

Round 2 Testing:



# of Participants:


Existing site

Mid-fi proto



4 per round

20 minutes

Home Page

HMW help Marcus to learn about Brooklyn Running Co.’s products, services & store policies?


Under-utilised utility navigation

“I’m wondering where the search bar is.”

Under-utilised utility navigation

“I’m wondering where the search bar is.”


No way to access desired product category from home page.

“I want to get straight to shopping.”


Poor quality imagery

“I expected the site would be more polished and stylish. It looks unprofessional.”


Under-utilised footer

“I can’t find the shipping & return policies anywhere.”


Confusing category names fails to attract users

“What does Originals mean?”

Old Design

Old Design

Home Page + Intermediary Shopping Page

Home Page + Intermediary Shopping Page

New Design

Users Reach Shopping Categories Directly From Home


Utility navigation placement & content follows UI conventions.


Multiple ways to access all shopping categories & subcategories.


High-quality imagery to increase trust & engagement.


Shipping & returns policies, as well as other helpful links, added to top banner & footer.


Clear description, professional imagery & shop links guide users towards own-brand products

Product Listing Page

HMW make it easier to find, sort through & evaluate B.R.C.’s running products?


Large, poor-quality image.

Thumbnails & filters pushed down the page.


No breadcrumb.

Users cannot easily move up & down product hierarchy.


Small, inconsistent thumbnails without colour chips.

Inconsistent image sizes, qualities & background make products difficult to scan & compare


Long & confusing list of product categories.

“Are these filters? It’s confusing & difficult to read.”


Missing essential filters. Filtering menu requires lots of scrolling to read.

“I can’t search by colour? That’s more important than some of these other filters.”

Old Design

New Design


Unnecessary images removed.

Allows users to focus on reviewing products without distractions.


Two kinds of breadcrumbs.

History-based breadcrumb takes users back to previous product list, and hierarchy-based breadcrumb takes users back to their previous product list with all filters retained.


Thumbnails have consistent, large quality images with additional views on hover. Colour variants are combined into one thumbnail.


Product categories easily accessed through global navigation.


Users’ priority filters added & moved to top. Filters which are less important to users are moved to bottom & collapsed.

Product Page

HMW ensure Marcus finds all of the information he needs to make a purchase with confidence?


Single, low-quality image.

Prevents deep visual understand of product.


No colour chips.

Hinders understanding of variations.


No sizing details.

Making it difficult to discern correct size.


Lack of shipping detail.

Hindering users’ ability to choose shipping method.


Poor scannability.

Increasing time & attention needed to learn about products.


Lacks user engagement.

Reduces trust & confidence in brand.


Easy to miss essential info.

Users unlikely to purchase without understanding shipping & returns policies.

Old Design

New Design


Multiple high-quality product images.

Allows for a 360° product view.


Thumbnail images represent additional variations.

Users get a clear understanding of available colours.


Brand-specific size guides provided.


Details included in shipping options.


Key product features highlighted at top of page. Main specs highlighted in description.


Multiple ways to access shipping & returns policies.

Key Design Updated

Two rounds of usability testing were conducted: first on the existing site & later on my mid-fidelity prototype.

Below are some examples of how I improved the site’s design based user interviews two rounds of usability testing results, heuristic evaluation & competitor analysis.

Usability Testing Parameters

Round 1 Testing:

Round 2 Testing:



# of Participants:


Existing Site

Mid-Fi Proto



20 minutes

4 per round

Home Page

HMW help Marcus to learn about Brooklyn Running Co.’s products, services & store policies?


Under-utilised utility navigation

“I’m wondering where the search bar is.”


No way to access desired product category from home page.

“I want to get straight to shopping.”


Poor quality imagery

“I expected the site would be more polished and stylish. It looks unprofessional.”


Under-utilised footer

“I can’t find the shipping & return policies anywhere.”


Confusing category names fails to attract users

“What does Originals mean?”

Old Design

Home Page + Intermediary Shopping Page

New Design

Users Reach Shopping Categories Directly From Home


Utility navigation placement & content follows UI conventions.


Multiple ways to access all shopping categories & subcategories.


High-quality imagery to increase trust & engagement.


Shipping & returns policies, as well as other helpful links, added to top banner & footer.


Clear description, professional imagery & shop links guide users towards own-brand products

Product Listing Page

HMW make it easier to find, sort through & evaluate B.R.C.’s running products?


Large, poor-quality image.

Thumbnails & filters pushed down the page.


No breadcrumb.

Users cannot easily move up & down product hierarchy.


Small, inconsistent thumbnails without colour chips.

Inconsistent image sizes, qualities & background make products difficult to scan & compare


Long & confusing list of product categories.

“Are these filters? It’s confusing & difficult to read.”


Missing essential filters. Filtering menu requires lots of scrolling to read.

“I can’t search by colour? That’s more important than some of these other filters.”

Old Design

New Design


Unnecessary images removed.

Allows users to focus on reviewing products without distractions.


Two kinds of breadcrumbs.

History-based breadcrumb takes users back to previous product list, and hierarchy-based breadcrumb takes users back to their previous product list with all filters retained.


Thumbnails have consistent, large quality images with additional views on hover. Colour variants are combined into one thumbnail.


Product categories easily accessed through global navigation.


Users’ priority filters added & moved to top. Filters which are less important to users are moved to bottom & collapsed.

Product Page

HMW ensure Marcus finds all of the information he needs to make a purchase with confidence?

Old Design


Single, low-quality image.

Prevents deep visual understand of product.


No colour chips.

Hinders understanding of variations.


No sizing details.

Making it difficult to discern correct size.


Lack of shipping detail.

Hindering users’ ability to choose shipping method.


Poor scannability.

Increasing time & attention needed to learn about products.


Lacks user engagement.

Reduces trust & confidence in brand.


Easy to miss essential info.

Users unlikely to purchase without understanding shipping & returns policies.

New Design


Multiple high-quality product images.

Allows for a 360° product view.


Thumbnail images represent additional variations.

Users get a clear understanding of available colours.


Brand-specific size guides provided.


Details included in shipping options.


Key product features highlighted at top of page. Main specs highlighted in description.


Multiple ways to access shipping & returns policies.


Final Design

Users were so frustrated with the original site that they stopped shopping there. Informed by a comprehensive research project, the final design improved product discovery and provided user-centric shopping information, boosting CSAT scores and increasing the likelihood of future shopping at B.R.C.

Users were so frustrated with the original site that they stopped shopping there. Informed by a comprehensive research project, the final design improved product discovery and provided user-centric shopping information, boosting CSAT scores and increasing the likelihood of future shopping at B.R.C.

Home Page

Carousels were removed & updated with a scrolling home page, so users can easily explore the highlighted content, including sample products & B.R.C.s unique value propositions.

Clean & simple layout, with high-quality images and clear links to essential information, is easier to navigate, more helpful & appears more trustworthy to users.

Users can access all product sub-categories from the dropdown menu. 400ms delay for hover-based dropdown menu ensures the large submenus don’t trigger accidentally & distract users.

Product Listing Page

Product categories removed from the sidebar so that users can access filters immediately.

More important filters for users are moved to the top of the sidebar & opened as default.

Less important filters for users are moved to the bottom of the sidebar & collapsed as default.

Product thumbnails contain large images, show colour variations on hover & highlight the most important technical features.

Product Page

Provides a deeper product understanding through multiple large & high-quality images, highlighting key technical features, providing clear links to brand-specific size guides & revising product description to be more scannable.

Building user confidence by continuing to provide multiple links to shipping & returns policies, and provides details about shipping method before user proceeds to checkout pages.

Final Design Usability Testing Results

CSAT Score Improvement


Median score when users were asked to rate how satisfied they were with their experience on the site.

CES Score Improvement


Media score when users were asked to rate how easy it was to find suitable products on the site.

Time on Task Improvement


Minutes quicker, when users were asked to find a product matching particular criteria.

Next Steps

I had so many interesting conversations during user interviews & usability tests, which revealed some potential further improvements to help Brooklyn Running Co. serve their customers better. Here’s a couple of ways I’d love to keep improving on what I started.

I had so many interesting conversations during user interviews & usability tests, which revealed some potential further improvements to help Brooklyn Running Co. serve their customers better. Here’s a couple of ways I’d love to keep improving on what I started.

Build upon “key feature” highlights

Users really liked the “key feature” highlights in the thumbnails I designed. I’d love to take this further by making this a more engaging part of the experience, which could be a unique feature offered by B.R.C..

Explore “Save for Later” and the mobile experience

Several users mentioned that they first go online to research technical products, then visit physical stores to try on different styles and use in-store services like treadmills to test shoes.

Based on this, I’d love to imagine how users might use the “save for later” feature to compare products, and how this might look on the mobile experience when users take their phone to the store.

“Because running gear is so technical, I use the website for research before going to the physical store to try on different styles.”


My background in fashion design, where I often specialised in technical athletic apparel, and my passion for running really came together in this project!

I enjoyed speaking to other runners about their experiences and pain points when shopping for gear, and spent a lot of time studying Baymard Institute’s many large-scale research project so I could understand e-commerce best practices - what an amazing resource! - and I’m confident these learnings will inform many future projects.

At each step I carefully examined how other e-commerce site solved user pain points, and considered why they made the decisions they did. This really clarified for me that good design is always intentional and is backed up by solid reasoning.

Thank you for reading!


Copyright 2024, Shelley Wilkinson


UX | Product Designer

Interested to talk more about my work? Please get in touch.


Copyright 2024, Shelley Wilkinson


UX | Product Designer

Interested to talk more about my work? Please get in touch.


Copyright 2024, Shelley Wilkinson


UX | Product Designer

Copyright 2024, Shelley Wilkinson


UX | Product Designer

Interested to talk more about my work? Please get in touch.
